People We have the most experienced and capable people in the industry who are motivated to be part of a special team. Our team members come in with a variety of skills but all share a common desire to do great work and to grow. Request Service "*" indicates required fields Choose Service(s)* Landscape Maintenance Landscape Enhancements Water Management Service Tree Care Service Your time zone(GMT-7:00) Pacific Time(GMT-10:00) Hawaii Time(GMT-8:00) Alaska Time(GMT-6:00) Mountain Time(GMT-7:00) Arizona Time(GMT-5:00) Central Time(GMT-4:00) Eastern TimeWhat is the preferred time to call you 8:00 – 10:00 AM 10:00 – 11:00 AM 11:00 – 12:00 Noon 12:00 – 2:00 PM 2:00 – 5:00 PM Your InformationName* First Last Company*Phone*Email* Comment or Questions that will prepare us for our call (If applicable) 22731 Meet the Team Greg Santamaria Branch Manager Brian Benavidez Business Developer Sal Perez Account Manager Mario Herrera Account/Production Manager Ulises Vazquez Crew Leader Jose Dominguez Irrigation Technician Shannon Speratos EVP, West Region Frank Annino President, Maintenance